imaxin|software - 16 years developing applications for multilingual natural language processing

  • José Ramom Pichel Campos Imaxin|software
  • Diego Vázquez Rey Imaxin|software
  • Antonio Fernández Cabezas Imaxin|software
  • Luz Castro Pena Imaxin|software


imaxin|software is a company created in 1997 by four computer engineers with the aim of developing educational multimedia games and natural language processing tools.

After 16 years imaxin|software has developed resources, tools and applications for different languages, specially for Portuguese (Galiza, Portugal, Brazil, etc.), Spanish (Spain, Argentina, México, etc.), English, Catalan, French.

In this article we will describe the main highlights of this technological and human challenge.
How to Cite
Pichel Campos, J. R., Vázquez Rey, D., Fernández Cabezas, A., & Castro Pena, L. (2013). imaxin|software - 16 years developing applications for multilingual natural language processing. Linguamática, 5(2), 13-20. Retrieved from