PROPOE (prose to poetry)

computational generation of metrified poems from literary prose in Portuguese language

  • Ana Cleyge de Azevedo
  • João Queiroz
  • Angelo Loula UEFS
Keywords: natural language generation, poem, literary prose, rhythmic patterns, rhyme


The computational generation of what can be recognized as "verbal poetry" has been explored for many decades in many natural languages. But only recently developed projects have intensive application of computation, considering many levels of organization, linguistic and paralinguistic, phonological, rhythmic, syntactic, semantic, and even pragmatic. Here we present a computational poem generation system, PROPOE (Prose to Poem). It works in conjunction with a tool for "mining" versification structures in Portuguese prose, MIVES (Mining Verse Structure). PROPOE generates poems in Portuguese from versified sentences (heterometric versification structures) identified and classified by MIVES, and extracted from literary prose. PROPOE combines sentences, generating poems based on the optimization of rhythmic and phonological criteria. A greedy algorithm is applied to identify the best combination of sentences, considering rhythmic norms established for Portuguese. In a final step, an automated evaluation of the result is carried out, assigning a score according to the identification of patterns considered optimal in poems with regular metrics, based on rhythmic scheme and adequacy to rhyme structures.

How to Cite
de Azevedo, A. C., Queiroz, J., & Loula, A. (2023). PROPOE (prose to poetry): computational generation of metrified poems from literary prose in Portuguese language. Linguamática, 14(2), 3-21.
Research Articles