Extraction of Support and Opposition Relationships in Portuguese Political News Headlines

  • David Soares Batista TripActions
Keywords: semantic relationship extraction, annotated dataset, semantic web, political science


Political news headlines often report supportive or opposing relationships between personalities, for example: ``Marques Mendes criticizes Rui Rio's strategy'} or ``Costa reaffirms confidence in Centeno.'' In this work we analyzed thousands of archived titles, identifying those that express supportive or opposing relationships, and associating the political personalities with their identifier on Wikidata, thus resulting in a semantic graph. The graph allows for answering questions involving political personalities and parties. We describe the graph generation process and make it available together with a labelled dataset, which allowed supervised learning classifiers to be trained to identify the relationships expressed in the titles and link the personalities with Wikidata.

How to Cite
Soares Batista, D. (2023). Extraction of Support and Opposition Relationships in Portuguese Political News Headlines. Linguamática, 15(1), 91-101. https://doi.org/10.21814/lm.15.1.386
Research Articles