NLP resources for the oil & gas domain: Petrolês

  • Cláudia Freitas PUC-Rio, Brasil
  • Elvis Souza
  • Maria Clara Castro
  • Tatiana Cavalcanti
  • Patricia Ferreira da Silva
  • Fábio Corrêa Cordeiro
Keywords: named entities, geology ontology, syntactic dependencies, universal dependencies, gold standard portuguese corpus, corpus


Many organizations struggle with retrieving and extracting information from their repositories of technical documents, particularly oil and gas operators with decades of accumulated geoscientific reports and documents. However, the majority of linguistic resources for natural language processing are derived from internet pages in English. In this article, we present the linguistic resources developed throughout the Petrolês project, with an emphasis on PetroNer, a gold standard corpus annotated with domain entities, syntactic  dependencies, and aligned with an ontology of geological concepts. We report the construction process of PetroGold, a gold standard treebank used in generating a customized model for syntactic dependency annotation, and we detail the entity annotation process in PetroNer, carried out through the creation of linguistic rules. We also conduct a study on the application of rules in the corpus, and finally, we describe linguistic characteristics of the material comprising Petrolês, comparing it with a corpus of journalistic texts.

How to Cite
Freitas, C., Souza, E., Castro, M. C., Cavalcanti, T., Ferreira da Silva, P., & Corrêa Cordeiro, F. (2023). NLP resources for the oil & gas domain: Petrolês. Linguamática, 15(2), 51-68.
Research Articles