Using Entity Grids to Automatically Evaluate Local Coherence in Scientific Texts

  • Alison Rafael Polpeta Freitas Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • Valeria Delisandra Feltrim Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Keywords: local coherence, entity-grid model, scientific writing


In this paper we investigate the applicability of Barzilay and Lapata’s (2008) entity-grid model in the evaluation of local coherence in scientific abstracts written in Portuguese. More specifically, we focused on assessing whether such model could be employed in the implementation of a classifier capable of detecting linearity breaks that affect text coherence. Our experimental results are close to those of the original entity-grid model for English and very similar to the results reported by related works for other languages. In experiments with scientific abstracts, results are close to those obtained by human judges, showing that the entity-grid model can be used in the investigated context.
How to Cite
Freitas, A. R. P., & Feltrim, V. D. (2014). Using Entity Grids to Automatically Evaluate Local Coherence in Scientific Texts. Linguamática, 6(1), 29-40. Retrieved from
Simpósio de Tecnologia da Informação e Linguagem Humana, 2013