Overview of the Evaluation of Semantic Similarity and Textual Inference

  • Erick Rocha Fonseca Universidade de São Paulo
  • Leandro Borges dos Santos Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marcelo Criscuolo Universidade de São Paulo
  • Sandra Maria Aluísio Universidade de São Paulo
Keywords: Shared task, text entailment, semantic similarity


Recognizing Textual Entailment and Semantic Textual Similarity are two natural language processing tasks dealing with pairs of text passages. The former aims to determine whether the meaning of one passage entails the other, while the latter assigns a semantic similarity score to the pair. This paper presents the results of the ASSIN shared task and its corpus, annotated for both tasks in the Brazilian and European varieties of the language. The corpus differs from similar ones in the literature in its three RTE classes (Entailment, Paraphrase and Neutral), and for having been composed of sentences extracted from newswire texts. Six teams took part in the shared task, exploring different strategies.

How to Cite
Fonseca, E. R., Borges dos Santos, L., Criscuolo, M., & Aluísio, S. M. (2016). Overview of the Evaluation of Semantic Similarity and Textual Inference. Linguamática, 8(2), 3-13. Retrieved from https://linguamatica.com/index.php/linguamatica/article/view/v8n2-1
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