Paraphrasing Portuguese Adverbs ending in –mente

  • Jorge Baptista Universidade do Algarve/INESC ID Lisboa
Keywords: adverb, ending in -mente, paraphrase, word sense disambiguation, lexicon-grammar, Portuguese


In this paper, we depart from the lexical-syntactic-semantic properties that were used to classify the most frequent adverbs in Portuguese ending in -mente  '-ly', and explore the generation of different paraphrasing patterns, both regular or very general structures, such as those for manner and view point adverbs, as well as other, less productive (and sometimes idiomatic) structures. The goal is to provide a comprehensive set of paraphrasing strategies, which can be used in several natural language applications, like text simplification or even machine translation.

Author Biography

Jorge Baptista, Universidade do Algarve/INESC ID Lisboa

Doutor em Linguistica - Sintaxe (Univ. Algarve, 2001).
Mestre em Linguística Portuguesa Descritiva (Univ. Lisboa, Fac. Letras, 1995).
Licenciado em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas-Estudos Portugueses (Univ. Lisboa, Fac. Letras, 1990).

Prof. Associado de nomeação definitiva da Univ. Algarve (desde 2006), onde é docente desde 1992.

Investigador convidado do L2F - Spoken Language Laboratory, do INESC-ID Lisboa
How to Cite
Baptista, J. (2019). Paraphrasing Portuguese Adverbs ending in –mente. Linguamática, 10(2), 21-30.
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